ACGA Constitution
Founded 1993
(1.0 Updated January 2014)
1a) The name of the Association shall be called African Caribbean Golf Association hereinafter referred to as "The ACGA".
2a) To provide an organisation through which members can play competitive golf in strict accordance with the official rules of golf.
2b) To provide the means for members and their families to socialise.
2c) To promote the game of golf to members of the African Caribbean community.
2d) To provide the means for members to improve their game and understanding of the rules and etiquette of the game.
2e) To provide the means for members who are not members of the Golf Club to obtain a CONGU recognised handicap.
3a) The address of the Association shall be that of the Secretary.
4a) Membership is open to anyone, regardless of race or background. However membership will be subject to meeting the criteria set out below.
4b) The ACGA shall have 2 classes of membership
Full Members
Associate Members
4c) Full Members
A full member will have the following rights:
To participate in all ACGA activities
Access to the “members only” section of the ACGA website
To vote at the Annual General Meeting
To invite a guest to participate in golf days (subject to capacity)
4d) Becoming a Full Member
An individual will need to do the following to become a full member:
Complete and submit an application form. This form will be need to be seconded by a current member in good standing.
Pay the membership fee applicable at the time.
Compete in 2 ACGA formal golf events.
Receive formal confirmation of full membership status by the Secretary.
4e) Annual Renewal
Once admitted for full membership, this will need to be renewed annually by doing the following:
Payment of the annual fee
Advising the secretary of any change to address, contact details, golf club or handicap
A full member who has not renewed by the end of February of the new calendar year will cease to be a full member and will be re-classified as an Associate Member. Full membership will be restored on receipt of full payment of the annual membership.
4f) Associate Member
An associate member will have the following rights.
To be included in all correspondence sent to members.
Participate in all competitions of the ACGA as a guest.
Participate in all social events of the ACGA as a member.
4g) Becoming an Associate Member.
An individual will need to do the following to become a full member.
Write to the secretary and express an interest in becoming an associate member.
All former full members will automatically become associate members.
All non Full-Members participating in the Winter Pairs League will automatically become associate members.
Receive formal confirmation of associate membership status by the Secretary.
4h) Full members or Associate members who wish to resign from the ACGA shall do so in writing to the Secretary. Any membership fees paid will not be refunded.
4i) A member in good standing is defined as a full member who is not under a disciplinary sanction.
5a) There will be an annual subscription payable by all full members. This rate shall be set at the AGM each year applicable from January 1st of the new year.
5b) A member whose subscription remains unpaid longer than 3 months after been properly duly notified shall cease to be a full member and will be reclassified as an associate member.
5c) Any new member taking place after July 1st shall be entitled to a 50% discount on the year’s annual subscription.
6a) Only Members and their guests may be included in Association golf days.
6b) Entries for each meeting will be limited. If the demand is greater than the number of places booked, Members will take preference over guests. As for Members the first come, first serve rule will apply.
6c) Members will be responsible for their guests on and off the course. Guests may be required to pay a fee over and above the fee per head on Association days.
7a) An Executive Committee shall be elected by the AGM from among full members to oversee the affairs of the ACGA.
7b) Officers: The committee shall consist of the following officers: Captain, Vice Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, Handicap Secretary, Social Secretary and Website Co-ordinator.
7c) Term: Each officer shall serve for a period of 2 years and hold at least 4 meetings per year.
7d) The Vice Captain shall be appointed by the Captain
7e) Quorum: 4 members of the committee at a meeting shall constitute a quorum.
7f) Powers: The committee shall have the following powers:
To organise and oversee the affairs of the association in furtherance of the aims as outlined in the constitution.
Spend money for any purpose in carrying out their duties;
Interpret and enforce the rules of the ACGA (and R&A) acting as the final decision making body on all disciplinary matters.
To fill any vacancy, including that of Captain arising during their term until the next AGM.
To scrutinise members’ handicaps and make adjustments at any time in accordance with the ACGA rules and the rules of fair-play.
Where this action is taken, the member should be notified about this change as soon as possible before the start of the next ACGA competition.
Keep full records of competitions and handicaps.
To take and keep minutes of committee meetings and the AGM.
7g) The Officers shall have the following duties/roles
The Captain shall -:
Give strategic leadership to the association
Oversee the role of the other officers and the proper functioning of the Executive Committee.
Have ultimate responsibility to ensure that the association’s affairs in conducted in strict observance with the provisions of this constitution
Chair committee and general meetings
Have an additional casting vote, in the event of a tie at both committee and general meetings
Submit a report to the AGM
The Vice Captain shall -:
Assist the Captain in carrying out their duties
Have specific responsibility for organising inter-society events
Submit a report to the AGM
The Treasurer shall -:
Ensure that all income and expenditure is accounted for. Therefore no expenditure shall be made or income received without the personal approval of the Treasurer.
Prepare and present financial reports to the committee as required and to the AGM.
Have responsibility for proposing the new annual subscription for the coming year at the AGM having first agreed this with the Executive Committee.
The Secretary shall -:
Keep an up to date Register of Members.
Take minutes of Committee and Annual General Meetings.
To provide the lead in ensuring the committee and the association act at all times in accordance with the constitution.
Submit a report to the AGM
The Social Secretary shall -:
Take the lead in ensuring the association fulfil the constitutional aim (2b) above.
Have specific responsibility for promoting the image of the ACGA and forging external links with like minded organisations.
Submit a report to the AGM
The Handicap Secretary shall -:
Keep an up to date record of members handicaps.
Make adjustments to handicaps in strict adherence with the association rules and CONGU regulations.
Carry out annual reviews on general play.
To update the membership on any rule changes in accordance with the R&A
Submit a report to the AGM
The Website WebMaster shall -:
Take the lead in ensuring that the association’s website is current and contain information useful and relevant to members.
Ensure the website is technical fit for purpose at all times.
Submit a report to the AGM
7h) Handover – The outgoing committee shall facilitate the smooth functioning of the ACGA by facilitating an orderly and efficient handover. This shall include the transfer of all documents relating to each officer within 30 days of the AGM.
8a) Misconduct: is defined as any action which in the opinion of the committee is likely to prejudice the good name of the ACGA.
8b) Allegation of Misconduct: A misconduct allegation can be filed by any full member. This should be in writing to the Secretary who shall acknowledge receipt of such communication. An allegation of misconduct an also be instigated by the committee acting on its own volition.
8c) Investigation of Misconduct: The Executive committee shall ensure that due process shall apply to all misconduct allegations. All investigations shall be conducted with transparency, fairness, objectivity and efficiency. All misconduct allegations shall be investigated to determine and consider the evidence. The Executive Committee shall decide whether to undertake this investigation itself or appoint a sub committee to do so. Where a sub committee is appointed, the final decision must be ratified by the Executive Committee. This investigation and decision should be concluded within 60 days.
8d) No member or officer shall be involved in disciplinary proceedings in a decision making capacity in which allegations have been made against them.
8e) Sanctions: Where the Executive decide that a member has breached its rules, it has the power to apply the following sanctions
Reprimand and warning as to future conduct,
A Financial Penalty, not exceeding £200,
Suspension from Competitions and/or Social Events
Loss of all rights for a period not exceeding 1 year
Suspension and/or Expulsion from the ACGA
8f) The Executive Committee can apply any or a combination of these sanctions.
8g) Refunds - No refund of membership fees shall be made in the event of any of the above sanctions being applied.
8h) Appeals: A member subjected to disciplinary procedure resulting in the application of a sanction shall have the right to appeal. They shall communicate their intention to use this facility in writing to the Secretary.
8i) The Executive Committee shall ensure that an Appeals Committee constituting of 3 members in good standing shall meet to review the appeal within 30 days of the receipt of the appeal notice.
8j) No member involved in making the decision at the earlier stage shall be included on the Appeal Committee. The decision of the Appeals Committee will be final and binding.
9a) An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be convened by the Executive Committee once every calendar year and no later than 15 months after the previous AGM.
9b) Notice: A notice with an agenda shall be sent to all full and associate members no less than 21 days from the date of the AGM.
9c) Quorum: 3 full members or 20% of the paid up list of members in good standing (which ever is greater) shall be required to form a quorum at the AGM.
9d) Special AGM: (S-AGM) Can be convened for any reason if the Committee decided that it is necessary for this to be convened in order to further the business the ACGA. A notice with an agenda shall be sent to all full and associate members no less than 7 days from the date of the S-AGM.
9e) An AGM can also be convened if 30% of the full members at the time sign a declaration requesting such a meeting. This should be given to the Secretary and stating the nature of the business to be discussed.
9f) After such a decision or on receipt of such a request, the Secretary shall convene a Special General Meeting of the Association within 21 days, and will ensure that not less than 7 days notice shall have been given to all Members.
9g) All officers shall submit a report giving an account of their activities over the past year. The Treasurer report shall include the annual accounts and a budget for the coming year. He/she shall make available for inspection at the AGM, the financial records including the association’s bank statements.
9h) The AGM is the only body empowered to make changes to the constitution. Any changes to the constitution should be proposed in writing and this should be circulated to members no less than 29 days before the date of the AGM. Amendments to proposed changes can be at the AGM.
9j) The Executive Committee shall make available the facility for proxy voting on resolutions coming to either the AGM & S-AGM.
10a) The Association may be wound up if a resolution has been carried by a majority of 75% of the votes at a properly convened Special or Annual General Meeting.
10b) The Association may also be wound up by the Executive Committee if it considers that the membership has fallen below a reasonable minimum or if the purpose for which the Association was formed or that it is no longer possible or practical to carry out the functions for which the Association was formed. This route should only be taken the Committee only if it is not possible to achieve dissolution by means of (9a) above. In the event of the Association being dissolved by the committee all members listed in the current Register of members should be informed of this action within 7 days.
10c) Any assets left over at dissolution shall be distributed in the following order: .
i) Payment of Creditors.
ii) Refund of the unexpired portion of Members' Subscriptions.
iii) Remainder to be disposed of as directed by the Committee
11a) Each full member attending each recognised ACGA golf day event shall be required to pay a nominal fee set by the Committee to the Hole in One Fund. Any full member attending a recognised ACGA golf day event who achieves a Hole in One shall be entitled to receive contents of the Hole in One Fund at the time or a minimum of £100 from ACGA funds.
11b) In the event that two or more Members achieve a hole in one at the same recognised ACGA golf event then Hole in One Prize shall be shared equally.
The provisions of this constitution were agreed at the AGM held on January 29th 2014 at the Farleigh Golf Club